The last few weeks have brought significant change to my work life. Members of the governing board at the preschool encouraged me to interview for a lead position in the older threes' classroom. In whirlwind time I interviewed, contemplated the offer, and accepted. It's not a lateral shift. As a lead I've accepted more responsibility and more accountability, but I'll be sharing those burdens in a co-lead situation with a teacher new to the school. I'm anxious and excited.
I'm not the only assistant teacher who interviewed for the position. There's been some drama, behind us now, from which we've emerged stronger. Tomorrow starts Teacher Week, when we prepare ourselves and our rooms for the kids to come next Monday. I've been preparing myself mentally over the past two weeks. My anxiety is almost always the result of inactivity and anticipation. The anxiety and nervousness will melt away when I'm in the thick of it.
And today, when I left my house for my morning run, I saw this rainbow in the sky. I think it's a promise, a quiet show of support. I expect I'll make some mistakes along the way but all in all I recognize my capabilities. I'm grateful for the encouragement of those who believe I can do the job, because I wouldn't have accepted the challenge on my own.