What I meant to do today
What I did today
I think it's time for a beer.
- zig-zag all my clean Capri Sun pouches into as many large totes as possible
- vacuum all the floors
- catch up with my NAEYC portfolio deadlines
- put up the Christmas tree
- make chili and cornbread for dinner
What I did today
- zig-zagged one large tote, which I proceeded to ruin by using an eyelet setter too small to attach the straps to the bag
- vacuumed my bedroom and the living room, but hair and dust bunnies still threaten to overtake the rest of the house
- compiled evidence for 3 (THREE!) NAEYC criteria (still behind by a whole deadline)
- put up one Christmas house
- made chili and cornbread for dinner
I think it's time for a beer.
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