as the object of Jack's affections. Meet Cloudy.

Cloudy is four weeks old and belongs to a friend of mine who is a saint among women. She's endured a troubling first half of 2007 that has landed her a single mom of two children living in a charming older home in a historic neighborhood, complete with all its charming maintenance issues. A new job, a new home, two children, two dogs, and she takes in this orphaned kitten ... what an amazing woman.
So I've not been replaced by the woman but rather by the kitten, who charmed Jack with her squeeky meow, needle-y baby teeth, and razor-y little claws. When it was Jack's turn to hold her he sat calmly in the chair and let her nuzzle him, and curl up with him. I told him, "She feels safe with you because you're giving her a quiet place to cuddle." When his turn was over he said to me, "I adore her." As he walked away, he said, "I think I want to marry her."
I'm OK having a kitten as a daughter-in-law. And I'm really OK having Jack as my son.

Cloudy is four weeks old and belongs to a friend of mine who is a saint among women. She's endured a troubling first half of 2007 that has landed her a single mom of two children living in a charming older home in a historic neighborhood, complete with all its charming maintenance issues. A new job, a new home, two children, two dogs, and she takes in this orphaned kitten ... what an amazing woman.
So I've not been replaced by the woman but rather by the kitten, who charmed Jack with her squeeky meow, needle-y baby teeth, and razor-y little claws. When it was Jack's turn to hold her he sat calmly in the chair and let her nuzzle him, and curl up with him. I told him, "She feels safe with you because you're giving her a quiet place to cuddle." When his turn was over he said to me, "I adore her." As he walked away, he said, "I think I want to marry her."
I'm OK having a kitten as a daughter-in-law. And I'm really OK having Jack as my son.
Though what will your grandchildren look like, I wonder?