- Pyrrhic victory \PIR-ik\, noun:
- A victory achieved at great or excessive cost; a ruinous victory.
I'm planning to participate in the current Lion Brand Crochet-along (did you notice that little badge in my sidebar?). I love this cardi. I love the extra help and guidance on Lion Brand's blog, Lion Brand Notebook. I love Lion Brand Nature's Choice Organic Cotton. I don't love its price.
When perusing the Lion Brand offerings at my local JoAnn's, I made a very uncharacteristic choice. I've decided to crochet my cover-up using Pound of Love, a "super soft 4 ply knitting worsted weight 100% premium acrylic" in color no. 102: Bubble Gum. To me it was the most offensive (least offensive?) color offering in these jumbo skeins. Total cost for my cardi will be around $20, a 75% savings from what I'd pay for that lovely organic cotton. (How do I work in a reference to Pyrrhic victory here? If I finish the damned cardigan using this heinous bubble gum color, is it a Pyrrhic victory? Finished, but at what cost? Would it be more of a Pyrrhic victory if I'd overdrawn my checking account but completed my first structured garment in a yarn and color I love? I just don't know!)
Looks like my gauge is a little tight. Supposed to get 11 hdc in 4 inches; I appear to have 14 hdc in 4 inches. I'll cast another swatch tomorrow using a size J hook. Maybe there's the Phyrric victory aspect: I could have victoriously completed the damned thing using a size I hook only to discover its too damned tight around the bosoms. This promises to be a real adventure.