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Infant of Prague

The week before the foreclosure we culled our belongings. Jack was meticulous in this endeavor. He considered each item carefully and thoughtfully. I, on the other hand, was willing to discard most anything without a second thought.

We were clearing the type trays hanging in the hallway. "Mommy, do you want this?" Jack asked about each miniscule item. To each query I invariably replied, "No, thanks." After five or so minutes of this, Jack questioned my dismissal of a particular item. "Are you sure, Mommy? You don't want this?"

"No, I don't want it."

"But it says, 'Oh Jesus, who said, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened.'"

"Yes," I amended my previous reply. "Yes, Jack. I want it."

He plunked the heavy little coin in my hand and I turned it over to see an image of The Infant of Prague. I put it in my pocket and I've carried it in my pocket ever since.

The innocence of youth once again overpowers the cynicism of adulthood.
Divine Infant Jesus, I know You love me and would never leave me. I thank You for Your close Presence in my life.

Miraculous Infant, I believe in Your promise of peace, blessings, and freedom from want. I place every need and care in Your hands.

Lord Jesus, may I always trust in Your generous mercy and love. I want to honor and praise You, now and forever. Amen.


G Blechman said…
I am starting up a networking community for writers, readers, and supporters of the LGBT community called Everything LGBT. We will be discussing LGBT novels, movies, music, rights/issues, current events, etc. I would love it if you would joing and share the link with whomever you can. Thanks.

<3 Gina Blechman

P.S. Tipping the Velvet let me to your blog

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